Gets Featured in IEEE LinkLine Newsletter 2013

IEEE Link Newsletter

Look Ma. Am on Magazine!

Local Integrated Network of Kerala (LINK), the constituent body to control and organize IEEE Student activities in Kerala, is out with the 2nd version of its Newsletter – LinkLine.

Being an active student volunteer up until 2011 June, when I completed my graduation, and then forth being an active GOLD member, I can say I have seen various aspects of IEEE the organization. Each with its pros and cons. Hence when the editors of this year’s LinkLine asked me to share my IEEE experience in a few lines, I gave it a deep thought. A few lines couldn’t sum up what all the organization has helped me gain and attain. Finally, I tried my best to incorporate tit-bits of everything important I wanted to convey and that’s what’s seen above.

You can read the whole newsletter here. Awesome work the editorial board has done I must agree. Kudos!

The other two guys here – Bibin Parukoor Thomas and Ajin Baby, are my colleagues in IEEE Kerala GOLD and very close friends.